Everyone knows the importance of carrying individual auto insurance. However, commercial auto insurance can also be very important. Even if your company doesn’t own a fleet of vehicles, automobiles used for conducting business should be covered by a commercial policy. This includes your own vehicle as well as employees’ cars that are used to make deliveries, run errands or do other business. It also includes rental cars that you or an employee uses while traveling on business.
Obviously, businesses such taxi or limousine services, food delivery services, transportation companies, and couriers need commercial auto insurance. The same holds true for any company with a fleet of vehicles, whether that fleet includes hundreds of automobiles or only one. State law may or may not require businesses that don’t own fleets to carry commercial vehicle insurance. However, due to potential liability, your company should have commercial car insurance if an automobile is ever used on the job because many personal car insurance policies do not cover commercial use.
The state of New York and most other states only require basic liability coverage for commercial vehicles. However, you want to be sure your commercial auto coverage will pay for damages and injuries in the event of an accident without leaving your company to foot an overwhelming bill. The Reis Group will help you determine the best coverage and value for your company. In order to find the best insurance for your business, we’ll look at factors such as
The Reis Group works with each commercial customer to find the best value for business vehicle insurance. We’ll explore options and discounts available from several different insurance carriers in order to find the right policy for you. Call us to learn more, or request your free online quote today.